What Best Describes a Direct Democracy

The first has to do with the measurement of democracy. This six-fold classification which is adapted from Platos Statesman 302c-d sets the stage for Aristotles inquiry into the best constitution although it is modified in various ways throughout the PoliticsFor example he observes that the dominant class in oligarchy literally rule of the oligoi ie few is typically the wealthy whereas in democracy literally rule of the dêmos.

Direct Democracy Definition History Facts Britannica

Most of these studies have used democracy measures based on the Polity IIIIIIV projects Freedom House Index and democratic accountability International Country Risk Guide.

. Examination of the empirical papers above and others reveals two main things see Table 1 for the summary of some of the empirical studies.

Difference Between Direct Democracy And Indirect Democracy With Comparison Chart Key Differences

Representative Vs Direct Democracy Power Of The People Academy 4sc

Representative Vs Direct Democracy Power Of The People Academy 4sc

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